March 26, 2011

TED Talks

Paul Stamets: six mycological solutions

Elizabeth Gilbert on being a genius or having one

Brené Brown on wholeheartedness

Jill Bolte Taylor on how it feels to have a stroke

Pranav Mistry on the thrilling potential of sixth-sense technology

Jane McGonigal: gaming can make a better world

Ken Robinson: Schools kill creativity & Bring on the learning revolution!

Salman Khan: A global one world class room

Eve Ensler: Embrace your inner girl!

Matt Ridley on when ideas have sex

Rebecca Saxe on how we read each other's minds

Dan Gilbert: expected values = (odds of gain) x (value of gain)

Chimamanda Adichie on the danger of a single story

Susan Blackmore on memes and temes
Dan Dennett on mangerous memes

Rick Warren on a life of purpose

Dan Barber on how I fell in love with a fish

Brian Greene on the universe on a string
Brian Cox on what really goes on at the Large Hadron Collider

Michael Shermer on why people believe strange things
Michael Shermer on the pattern behind self-deception

Ze Frank's nerdcore comedy

Jennifer 8-Lee hunts for General Tso